Introduction to the Enneagram
Introduction to the Enneagram


⚠️ WARNING: The Enneagram is highly addictive!

But only in the best possible way.

Have you heard people saying things like “Oh she’s a 3.” Or Johnny Depp’s a 4,” or even “I’m a social instinct 8 with a 7 wing.” And you’re thinking – what are they talking about?

I understand how that feels. We’ve all been there. In fact many people were annoyed by the Enneagram at first, because it seemed to be putting people into boxes. But it is not true.

The Enneagram doesn’t put you in a box, it shows you the one you’re already in!

And it gives you a map to get out.


Friday, 19 April 2024 from 09:30 to 11:30


Ana-Paula’s Coffee Shop
14 Sarel Oosthuizen Street
Monument, Krugersdorp, 1739

Included on the day

Ana-Paula’s famous ½ Tramezzini, Lemonade, Coffee/Tea and a Small Cake Slice

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What can the Enneagram bring you?

Simply put - you gain an accurate understanding of yours and others personality types.

Sometimes an alarming look at our blind spots, but with practical ways to transform them.

A clear and helpful map to grow from our lowest expression to our highest. Look at our InnerLifeSkills Enneagram diagram and notice the arrows, which are the paths for growth.

The Enneagram can be life changing when used well but it is also often confusing as many people make a few errors when learning the Enneagram. A trained ILS Enneagram Coach will unclutter the Enneagram for you to make sure that you avoid the mistakes, especially the mistakes that lead to mistyping (assigning the wrong Enneagram type to people).

The Enneagram discovery path of the masses

The most commercialized way to find your type is to... 1. Use an online test 2. Then read up more or attend a course. This works about 50% of the time, and does have some apparent advantages but it’s not ideal. Why?

The InnerLifeSkills Enneagram Coaching approach

After working with the Enneagram for over 2 decades, we discovered that by combining world-class ICF (International Coaching Federation) coaching methods with our 8 Step Typing Method we help our clients to discover their types and empower them with wonderful foundation knowledge.

Why Enneagram for business teams?

Enneagram knowledge in business could mean accelerated leadership development, team building as well as better communication, collaboration and productivity. This, in turn, will result in a better bottom line.

The Enneagram encourages people to notice how they interact and engage within a team. It builds awareness, team cohesion and trust as the team learns how to anticipate each other’s worldviews. The team begins to tune into what is important to each team member. Managers learn how to motivate and ramp up the performance of each member and team.

InnerLifeSkills Enneagram Coaching brings you:

  • The 3 Personality Pearls - which reveals the reasons for our behaviour.
  • The 9 Polarity Pairs - which shows us how we express and manage the personality pearl.
  • Your type - using our worksheets and coaching to discover for yourself what your type is.
  • Your personal blueprint and map for growth - to claim your wholeness and rise to your highest.



+27 82 570 2856


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Online and Johannesburg North and West Rand by appointment only